Design and campaign tricks, tips, tools and best practices to get there
How powerfully is your website helping you win campaigns for justice? This online course will help you make it a more powerful tool in your online organizing. Here’s what we cover:
- Excellent organizing websites of small to large organizing groups and unions–and what makes them great
- Key trends in website design
- Using microsites in campaigns, a quick low-cost way to get most of the benefits of a microsite without actually setting one up…and lots more.
- Website email signup designs that work to grow your supporter list
- Re-targeting people who have visited your site but haven’t signed up for email
- How to measure results to meet your goals. Quick & dirty uses for Google Analytics – the things every organizer should know
- What does it take to maintain a website: budgeting and staffing.
- Website tools: Content Management Systems (CMS), WordPress plugins, popups and more!
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Matthew Copsey, SMT Web Development Staff Partner
Evan Greer, SMT Staff Partner
Allen Gunn, Executive Director, Aspiration Tech and SMT Advisor
Hannah Roditi, SMT Executive Director

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